Neonatal Intensive Care Therapy & Rehab


South Shore Health is here to help our most vulnerable patients thrive. Our physical therapy and rehabilitation team brings their expertise to South Shore Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Special Care Nursery (SCN).

Feeding Team Services

For premature newborns, feeding is a skill that is acquired over time through maturation and practice. Often times special techniques are helpful. The NICU and SCN have the support of two dedicated and certified Speech-Language Pathologists. These experts evaluate infants’ feeding abilitieswith tests including modified contrast swallowing studiesand assist staff and parents in selecting and using techniques that encourage the development of infant feeding skills, especially as your baby prepares to head home.

Occupational Therapy Services

When infants arrive prematurely, the development of their brain and nervous system must continue in an environment that is very different from that of the uterus. Proper positioning to mimic the intrauterine environment, transitions into and out of sleep, range of motion and infant massage as well as other therapies create the optimal conditions for your infant's development to continue. South Shore Health's NICU and SCN have two experienced and certified Occupational Therapists who work with babies and families to ensure the best possible outcomes for the infants.

News & Events

Thank You

Thank You to Our 2024 Donors

Thank You to Our 2024 Donors

Participants in South Shore Health's NICU LMA training

Regional NICU Nurses Participate in South Shore Health’s Infant Respiratory Support Training

Regional NICU Nurses Participate in South Shore Health’s Infant Respiratory Support Training

Patrick and Clara pose with a large check for $2,000 while standing in front of the NICU sign at South Shore Hospital

Local Twins' Lemonade Stand Raises $2,000 for South Shore Hospital

Local Twins' Lemonade Stand Raises $2,000 for South Shore Hospital