Neonatal Intensive Care Lactation Services
Mother’s breast milk is considered by neonatologists to be the equivalent of a critical medication for babies born before 28 weeks. Our team is dedicated to supporting mothers who want to breastfeed their preterm babies. The Messina Family Level III NICU and Andrade Family Special Care Nursery have two dedicated Lactation Consultants who work exclusively with our mothers and babies.
In addition to observing and teaching breastfeeding moms, our Lactation Consultants help mothers use hospital-grade electronic breast pumps and can write letters of medical necessity to facilitate insurance coverage for pumps to use at home. Both units have “pumping rooms” available for lactating moms. The nursing staff has wide education and experience in helping mothers with the labeling and storage of pumped breast milk.
Donor breast milk is available for very preterm infants if there is any delay in the availability of mother’s own milk. Donor milk is obtained from a local branch of the Human Milk Banks of North America.