4 Tips for Healthy Eating During the Holidays

The holidays are here, and even if you posess a superhuman amount of willpower, it is challenging to maintain a healthy diet with goodies coming at you in the office, at parties, and at home.

Stay the course without denying yourself of the holiday treats. These four tips that can help you keep holiday weight gain at bay.

Be a Picky Eater

Instead of loading your plate at a buffet, peruse it first to avoid foods you don't really want. Planning food choices at holiday gatherings will ultimately help to stave off the cravings that can get you in trouble later on. For instance, if you could take or leave macaroni and cheese but adore sliders, don't start with the pasta in hopes of resisting the two-bite burger.

Pick the foods you really want and enjoy them in moderation.

Don’t Bank Calories
Think that by significantly cutting down or even fasting before a big feast or holiday party, you can safely indulge at the event? Unfortunately, that mentality only sets you up for a night of over-indulging.

It's easy to get off track when you're faced with high-calorie choices. Try to stick with your normal daily meals before events, being sure to aim for more fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean protein.

Don’t Deny Yourself Dessert
There’s no doubt that desserts can often make it hard to maintain a healthy weight, and we all know that holiday festivities usually means more desserts. The good news? You can still satisfy a sweet tooth without sabotaging all of your efforts.

  • Eat sensible portions.
  • If you're bringing treats, make a lower-calorie option, like Apple Spice cake (only 205 calories and 1 gram of saturated fat per slice).
  • Look for desserts without a lot of butter, nuts, or creamy frosting.

Breathe in to Kick the Cravings
Stressed by the sight of that holiday spread? Take deep breaths before you grab a plate. Stress reduction techniques can help prevent weight gain. Pause and reevaluate whether you really want to fill your plate. Chances are, you don’t.


If you’re struggling to meet your nutritional goals, consider meeting one of South Shore Health’s registered dietitians. We offer individual sessions to help you meet your goals.