Improving Mammography Access: A Commitment to Our Patients
A year ago, patients seeking our mammography services faced significant delays—up to 450 days for annual screening mammograms and as long as 8 weeks for follow-up diagnostic imaging.
These extensive wait times, primarily due to pandemic-related backlogs, were understandably stressful for patients and unacceptable to our dedicated team.
"Recognizing the urgent need to improve access, our colleagues came together, determined to find solutions," explains Art Mombourquette, Vice President of Clinical and Support Services. "Over the past year, their efforts have transformed how we provide care."
Today, patients can schedule a screening mammogram with next-month availability at South Shore Medical Center Norwell and the Diagnostic Imaging and Women’s Specialty Center at 101 Columbian Street at South Shore Health.
Additionally, when diagnostic appointments aren’t fully utilized, those time slots are opened up for additional screenings. For patients requiring follow-up imaging after a diagnostic mammogram, the wait time has been reduced to two weeks or less, with same-day appointments available for urgent needs.
With the implementation of Epic's Fast Pass feature, patients can now schedule sooner appointments. This innovative tool allows patients to be notified of and accept earlier appointment slots that become available due to cancellations or rescheduling.
This means that patients can often secure appointments much sooner than initially expected, further reducing wait times and enhancing the overall patient experience.
“These changes not only make it easier for patients to stay on top of vital preventative screenings but also ensure that those facing diagnostic uncertainty receive answers as quickly as possible—a critical improvement during what can be an anxious time,” says Maureen Shorrock, Executive Director of Diagnostic Imaging.
This dramatic improvement is a testament to the dedication and innovation of our Breast Imaging Team and the Performance Improvement Team, who identified a problem and worked tirelessly to address it.
By improving access to these essential services, they are helping ensure our patients receive the care they need, when they need it. We are proud of their commitment to making a difference in the lives of our community!