Bizzy's Story: "The Procedure Was Memorable and in the Best Way Possible."

Bizzy, a young patient at South Shore Hospital, smiles as she sits on a bed wearing her Elsa princess gown.

The text below comes directly from a letter sent to our team by Laura, a mom who wanted to provide feedback on her family's experience at South Shore Hospital, particularly the care received by her daughter, Bizzy.

Four years ago, our family embarked on our fourth ENT procedure. Previously, our daughter Gracie was the one always getting new tubes or an adenoid procedure. This time, it was our then one year old Elizabeth (who we call Bizzy).

We knew the drill. Wake up at 5 AM, drive to Boston, have the procedure and head back home mid-morning. No big deal. Just as it had been for her sister, the procedure was quick and easy. Nothing memorable, which is what you want when your child goes under anesthesia.

Fast forward five years and we return to the ENT, this time on the South Shore, for a follow up. We learn that one of her tubes had lodged in her ear and she will need a procedure to have it removed.

This time, the procedure WAS memorable and in the best way possible.

We arrived at South Shore Hospital around 9:30 AM and after checking in, we were immediately whisked back to her pre-op area. Bizzy had selected a special outfit for surgery day and was wearing her princess Elsa dress and pink glitter cowboy boots. As we entered the pre-op area, all of the staff and nurses called her "princess" and welcomed her warmly. The pre-op area was directly next to a room filled with toys that she was allowed to play with while I spoke with the doctors and nurses.

To get from the pre-op area to the OR, the staff told Bizzy that she would take a "princess ride" in one of the wagons and that it would be her job to fill the wagon with pillows, blankets and a few toys so her "princess ride" would be as cozy as possible.

If you have ever met a 4 year old, you know how exciting it is for them when they are "in charge" of something, so she loved filling the wagon. As she was pulled down through the halls, all of the doctors, nurses and even the other patients clapped and waved for her which made her feel so special.

Our ENT, Dr. Amee Dharia, told everyone that Princess Bizzy was coming through and was literally dancing down the hallway with us.

As we approached the OR, Bizzy was delighted to see a CRNA dancing in the room to "Let It Go" from Frozen, which they had playing on all of the TVs in the room. (They heard she arrived in a Frozen Elsa dress so they knew she liked the movie.) When it was time to take the anesthesia, instead of laying her down and forcing her to breathe into the mask (which is what we experienced previously), they told her to hold the mask over her face and take a deep breath every time Elsa sang the word "go" in "Let It Go." She was out like a light without any anxiety and thought it was all a fun game they created just for her.

After about 30 minutes, she was out of surgery and in the recovery room. I was ready for the hysterics that usually come when a child comes out of anesthesia, instead she opened her eyes, sat up and said, "where's my wagon?" 

After she recovered fully, Princess Bizzy was pulled downstairs in a wagon by a member of the transport staff. The woman pulling the wagon allowed us to stop in the cafe for a special treat and then pulled the wagon all the way to our car in the parking lot even though I told her I was happy to carry her. 

So many people on the South Shore think that if you want to receive excellent care, you have to go to Boston. This is simply not true.

The OR at SSH was clean, new and state of the art. The staff was incredible and made her feel like she was at a party that everyone attended just for her. Not one tear was shed.

There was no anxiety, for her OR me, which was a first for our family. Every person we encountered seemed to love their job and seemed genuinely excited to be at work that day. 

We are the epitome of grateful patients for such a positive experience.

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