Vendor Resource Center
At South Shore Health we value the services of our suppliers and vendors and strive to create an ethical and effective working relationship.
The resources below are designed to assist you in understanding what we expect of ourselves and of those with whom we do business. Please familiarize yourself with each of these documents. If you have any questions about them or about your responsibility to comply with them, please do not hesitate to contact the Compliance Department at 781-624-8828 or compliance [at] (compliance[at]southshorehealth[dot]org), or Supply Chain Management at 781-624-6775.
Prior to conducting business with South Shore Health, all vendors are required to register with our vendor credentialing program. Registration ensures compliance with federal, state and industry regulations and guidelines. South Shore Health utilizes Vendormate to provide vendor registration and credentialing.
To access our Vendormate credentialing system, click here.