Evergreen Memorial Program
Contact Us
Erin Labbe, Events Specialist
The Evergreen Society is a memorial giving program at South Shore Health. This program allows the opportunity for family and friends to remember their loved ones by making contributions to the organization.
By joining the Evergreen Society you will pay special tribute to your loved one and your donation will provide hope as others experience hardship.
Make a donation to South Shore Health in memory of a loved one online.
In the spring, South Shore Health Foundation hosts a special memorial ceremony for the Evergreen Society which highlights those honored in the program. This ceremony also reveals an Evergreen display which is hung at South Shore Hospital.
View the 2021 Evergreen Society Memorial Display >>
Annual Evergreen represents individuals whose memorial funds have reached $1,000 or more. Their name will be on the display for one year and family and friends will be invited to a remembrance ceremony. Donations may accumulate over time and families may choose to continue to renew their loved one’s Evergreen status should they wish.
Always Evergreen represents individuals whose memorial funds have reached $25,000 or more. Their name will be on the display for a lifetime and family and friends will be invited to the ceremony each year. Families may choose to make a pledge to reach this status and gifts may accumulate over time.
For more information, please view our brochure or contact the Foundation at 781-624-8600 or FoundationEvents [at] southshorehealth.org (FoundationEvents@southshorehealth).